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                           ***Show Results***

work in progress. 

Azra :My first Champion,  and best friend,  Has many Best of Breed, In Group, and In Show awards with his best being RESERVE Best In Show with the Hamilton Kennel club. He was 2nd out of over 800 dogs.  As you can see by his ribbon wall there are too many to list.  Azra loves showing.  And at the age of nearly 10 still scrubs up to look  like a winner.  and is still winning .  Veteran in Shows .

The Golden Retriever Club Inc of New ZealandChampionship Show

Saturday 14th August 2010


Judge:           Lyn Strudwick  UK

Veteran Dog (4)

1st Handley's – Ch Cambermere Ezra Holy Whisper – Best Veteran

Dark gold boy of 9 years, loveliest of heads, good reach of neck into a well placed shoulder, deep chest, good rear angulation, didn't stop wagging his tail, moved with excellent drive.

Veteran Dog (4)

The Golden Retriever Club Inc of New ZealandChampionship Show1st Handley's – Ch Cambermere Ezra Holy Whisper

Ribbon wall
Luka : Glodew Lathal Weapon(imp Aus) . Junior in Show with me and 
Azra : Cambermere Ezra Holy Whisper . NZ Bred in Show with his breeder Wendy
( thanks Helen and Wendy.  just thinking about Azra brings a lump to my throat) with their in Show awards  at our Golden Retriever Champ Show in Auckland
 ( due to Luka not meeting his health checks he now lives with my sister Jude)
  • Echo:  Is on her way to Championship  and has had in Group awards and 2 Challenges Certificates and many reserves,  but has had a short show career with a couple of  leaves of absents being granted for maternity leave. Once Echo finds her new and improved  coat she will be  gracing the show ring again

Zach: Has a Baby Puppy in Show (EBOPGD) October 2010. and continues to be at the top of his class most of the time as he matures is looking really promising

   Willow: Is getting her self sorted out and finding that the show ring is not as bad or scary as she thought and as her body and her mind matures she is showing a lot of potential .  Having had many Baby and Puppy of Breeds , Willow picked up her first Challenge one week into her Junior  class..  Go Willy
29 May 2011The Golden Retriever Club Inc Championship Show
Judge: Eeva Rautala (Finland)
Judge’s Critique

1st Gofetch Spell-Bound – L Handley
One year old lovely bitch.  Very nice head with soft expression, dark eyes and good pigmentation.  Good neck.  Needs to develop in the body.  Nice top line, strong bone, sufficient angulations.  Moves nicely from the side but needs to settle coming and going.  Excellent temperament.



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