A puppy for you
Please contact us if you are looking to give a Golden Retriever pup a loving, forever home. Approved homes only
A Golden pup will give you years of joy and companionship....He will love you unconditionally and without ever finding fault , he will treat you with kindness and compassion.......sit by you when you are sad or unwell ...... and run with joy when you are on the top of the world....He would never think to leave you......just because he is sick of you......he will give you that *look* and you will know ..that you are HIS...
If you are ready to commit to a Golden then please feel free to contact us
We will ask you to fill in a puppy adoption form... this helps us match you with the your pup and gives us a chance to get to know you.
Thank you
Call us on 06 374 5088 or email to
to enquire.
Echo and Molly 2010
May 2011 Echo and Ely babies
Willow / Azra 2012
Willow and Azra 2013
Echo and Ely 2013
Cloud and Azra 2013